Monday, December 31, 2007

No looking back now...

Every year I have the most random thought on New Years day. I wonder what aliens looking at the Earth would think of the pattern of brightly colored explosions that creep across the planet for 24 hours.
This silly thought will not lead to any deep revelations by the end of this blog entry so don't look forward to it. It is simply something I think about and a little peek into my head, a place you don't want to spend to much time...

This year, my only resolution is to eat better. I'm not going to make the resolution to lose weight because I never succeed. Eating a little better, however, is something I can do. Starting with a healthy breakfast every morning. No more friggin' toaster waffles. I figure.. my figure and general health will improve somewhat by making this resolution and keeping it.

I still hate the gym so I will not make it my resolution to spend more time there. I'll go if I feel like it... so there....

Steve hasn't told me his resolution yet but I'm sure it has something to do with fitness.

Holly achieved her resolution last year which was to no longer fear the automatic flushing toilets. She passed the resolution on to Simon who must get over the fear of all public toilets. I suggested she make a resolution to whine less. Then I remembered it should be something achievable. We still haven't come up with anything good yet. She's actually doing so well for a 6 year old, it's hard to ask her to improve anything.

Deep revelation:
Everybody likes an excuse to party!!!

Happy New Year!!!

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