Sunday, June 3, 2007

No Butt Towels for my Children

An upcoming trip to the beach and a thread on a forum I frequent reminded me of the following tale of humiliation...

When I was in preschool thousands of years ago, my mother embarrassed me and I've only recently found the humor in it.

You know that Coppertone ad with the dog pulling off the little girls bikini bottom..... Well, I had a towel with that picture on it and my mom made me take it to sprinkler day at school. (We were allowed to splash around in the irrigation system one day a week or so.)

The little boys teased me because I had a towel with a butt on it and I was so upset and hated the towel. The next time my mom tried to make me take the towel to school I had a total meltdown but was to embarrassed to tell her it was because of the butt. She thought I was just being a brat.

As an adult, I definitely see the cuteness of the butt-towel but really, what was my mother thinking? I would never send my child to school with a butt towel, no matter how cute it is.

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