Sunday, May 20, 2007

I'm in yer yard, mowin' yer lawn

... and eating your petunias.

Transformers movie fervor has waned somewhat it's time to get back on topic:
Wildlife in the wooded suburbs.

Friday night as I grilled chicken, I admired my gorgeous, healthy and plentiful petunias. Two hours later I returned outside to put the cover on the grill and the petunias had been hacked. A very sneaky and speedy critter ate EVERY single flower from EVERY single plant. I was so peeved, I cried. I realize that sounds over-dramatic and extreme but I was very proud of those plants and was looking forward to showing them off to my parents when they arrived on Sat.

A momma bunny was my first suspect. I had seen her about on the hillside lookin' cute and admiring my lawn from afar. Perhaps it was she bringing the kids out for a dinner flower buffet. I was not feeling compassionate toward the villains and had I seen the event taking place I would have done something horrific. You know, chase them while screaming "frick, frick you frickin' fricks!"

Sat afternoon, CTDad took this photo of the culprit.

It's a groundhog. And I was all blamen' the bunnies.

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