This time...
I'm awaiting my free ($15 for shipping) Senseo coffee pod thingy.
Aside from waiting for my children to pop out I have never been so impatient for something to arrive.
It was shipped from Nashville on Thursday so ordinarily I would not be surprised that it's Wed of the following week and I still haven't received it. However, according to DHL shipment tracking I know that it arrived in my city Friday night. It's been within my grasp since Friday night!!!!!
I have been attracted to the single serve coffee pod machines for some time but it wasn't until I ordered the free ($15) Senseo machine that I wanted one really, really, really, bad. I'm talkin' really bad. It has changed my whole outlook on coffee making. This morning all things related to coffee making peeved me for the first time in my life. The filter cleaning, the decanter filling, the bean grinding; all annoying! WHERE IS MY MACHINE?!?!?!?
I can't even think straight, write legibly or spell as I am all consumed with the whereabouts of my coffee pod machine. Boohooooooo
I strongly suspect an unprincipled neighbor is happily sipping away at a pod filtered cup of coffee brewed from a truly free Senseo machine.
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